Burning Permits - Please call the Town Chairman, Don Numsen at 608-769-4567 for a verbal burning permit. If he is unavailable, please contact either of the other Supervisors, Mark Spears 920-680-6297 or Justin Peterson 608-461-0553.
When permission is given, you then call the La Crosse Emergency Service Deparment 608-785-9634, to tell them you have a verbal permit. They will record your fire number so that if a concerned persons report it as a fire, they will know it is an approved burn. When you burn is completed you will be instructed to call them back in and all-clear message. You are to keep the fire under control.
Building Permits: Contact La Crosse County Zoning Department for requirements. 608-785-9722. Contact General Engineering for Building Inspections. (608) 697-0493